
Is it Legit? 4/18: Brad Keller, Justin Steele, Brian Anderson

Have these six players made real changes to drive their hot starts?

We’re closing in on three weeks of the 2023 season. It’s still relatively early in the long baseball season, but numbers are becoming more reliable. In my opinion, we’re in a sweet spot. We are still trying to decipher true breakouts from just hot starts, yet there is power behind the data.


Brad Keller


Brad Keller is 27 years old and was an 8th-round pick for the Diamondbacks in 2013. The last two seasons with the Royals have been subpar, to say the least.

Brad Keller-2021-2022

Those WHIPs and K-BB% can’t be sugar-coated. They were awful. It is difficult to point to just a couple of standout issues. In 2021 his Statcast sliders were all dark blue. They were a little better in 2022, but not much. His overall PLV over those two years was below average. Likewise for his Swinging Strike%. There is nothing to even suggest he was getting unlucky. His Hit Luck is right at the MLB average. His sinker was especially bad with a way below-average PLV and wOBAs north of .400. And he threw it about 25% of the time each season.

You get the idea.

So how’s 2023 going for Mr. B. Keller?

Andrew Krutz

Andrew writes for Pitcher List and is a lifelong New York Yankees fan. During the warmer months he can be found playing vintage baseball in the Catskill Mountains of Upstate New York.

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